Understanding Children’s Behaviours with Nikkol Adams
We have partnered with Nikkol Adams, MA, RCC, and founder of Essence of Self: Counselling and Wellness Services. Nikkol will be hosting a presentation focused on becoming curious about children’s behaviours and learning to support their emotional development. Join us March 17th at 6pm PST/9pm EST for Understanding Children’s Behaviours. Event Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/understanding-childrens-behaviours-tickets-142923920293 Description: Contributing […]
Breathwork Events with Soma Alchemy and Here2Help Community
We are creating a Community Event Calendar both for in person and virtual events! Anyone who is interested will be able to go to our Community Calendar page to see the events going on through the months. This will be for anyone coming upon the website to see the monthly kind of activities we can […]