‘Where Is My Spark,’ An Expressive Arts Workshop

Creativity is our human birthright. But for so many of us as we grow up, the world we’re raised in makes us neglect our creativity. This workshop is space to nurture your creative spirit through a guided exploration that encourages taking risks with mark-making. Where is my Spark?: An Expressive Arts Workshop When?● February 22, […]

H2H is on a Podcast and Conference Link

What a start to the year it has been. I hope many of you have had a good first month of 2021, despite whatever divisive politics and global situations may be going on. There are very real important events going on, but it’s so important that we don’t get lost in the news and fear […]

Community Event Calendar

This has been a hard year for so many of us. With less ability to see our friends and family, and the loss of public events, our social lives have been affected through this pandemic-filled year in ways many of us could not have foreseen. As a community-based organization, we realized that this is an […]

Breathwork Events with Soma Alchemy and Here2Help Community

We are creating a Community Event Calendar both for in person and virtual events! Anyone who is interested will be able to go to our Community Calendar page to see the events going on through the months. This will be for anyone coming upon the website to see the monthly kind of activities we can […]

Wrapping-Up Holiday Donation Drives

Our Holiday Donation Drives have come to a close! Thank you to everyone who donated and shared our posts around! We did two separate drives this year, one more of a stocking drive for those in need/on the streets, and another a gift drive for families/youth in need. This was our first time putting on […]

Here2Help Community Connects with Goh Ballet for ‘The Nutcracker’

This has been an interesting year for all of us in the way our lives have collectively been disrupted. One of the biggest challenges for local communities and culture has been the severe impact on arts and entertainment through the pandemic. This has hit our local organizations, venues and industry hard, but also has changed […]

Tri-Cities Holiday Gift Drive

Let’s spread the holiday kindness to those in need. Here2Help App has teamed up with Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control Coquitlam for a Gift Drive for youth and families who are in need and have been negatively impacted by the current pandemic in the Tri-Cities area. Help us spread the holiday warmth in these hard times. […]

Stocking-Up for Those in Need

Christmas is approaching! For many, Christmas is a time of relaxation, family, and connectedness. However, this is also a very challenging time for those with financial struggles, without family or community around them, and especially those without homes and shelter. This is all the more exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic we find ourselves in and […]

Beach Clean Up, Collaborative Community Events

On December 6th our team went out on our first Collaborative Community Event, a beach clean up! It was a soggy morning when we got there but dried up about halfway through our clean up. We managed to have enough time and people to clean up the whole park. Even with just the few people […]