Here2Help Community: Believing in joy of giving back to the community


No man is an island!

None of us is self sufficient, thus we humans have to make connections for survival. And getting bit by bit outside our comfort zones to reach out to the community is what makes our survival meaningful!  A well knitted community living is a backbone for any thriving society. 

Just pause and think for a second, when was the last time you donated to a food bank, cleared trash from the neighborhood park? Or reached out to a vulnerable neighbour going through pandemic isolation or merely showed a Thank-you gesture to a front line worker?

True, Covid did impact Volunteering, but not its spirit. Infact, it’s one of those crucial times when we as a community are in dire need of reaching out to others.

Canada always had a proud history of Volunteering. However, according to Statistics Canada, top reasons for individuals aged 15 and above for not volunteering was interesting. It ranged from lack of time, no one asking them to volunteer to confusion of not knowing how to become involved.

Connectivity Made Easier! has come up with a solution to connect volunteers with those seeking help. Hence, channeling volunteer work in an organized way by installing the free Here2Help App once it’s released.

It works as a meeting place where seekers submit requests within the 4 core categories: Connection, Petcare, Help at Home and Rides. Volunteers who are available will get matched with the requests according to location and needs. Hence, reaching out would be made possible without hassle.

It’s 9 PM and it’s been snowing all day. Chris receives  a call that his ailing dad had to be rushed to Emergency and might have to  stay the night. He picks up the car keys, pats his dog and on a click of his Here2help  app, makes arrangements for the pet to be taken care of. With the notification that a right volunteer has matched his urgency, he leaves home with a peace of mind. 

Crop smiling woman with closed eyes and badge stroking cute dog with brown coat

That’s how conveniently the App works.

Here2help Community has been conducting various workshops and activities. Owing to the covid situation, online sessions of Breathwork, Men’s support group ‘Wild Men Go Zoom’, Parenting workshop and  Expressive Arts Workshop have been conducted with many more planned. A couple of community clean up drives and Holiday donation drives have also received a warm response.

Watch this space for our next blog on how volunteering benefits each one of us and why should ‘WE’  be the change!

Visit our Donate page to learn more about how your contribution can make a real difference. Contact us if you’re interested in working with us or hosting a workshop on the Here2Help platform.Did you enjoy this article? Share it on social media to help us make a collective impact!

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