A service to humanity that is driven by no greed, fame, or pomp. Volunteering is merely pumped up by selflessness, and love for others. True, volunteering and community work consume one’s time, resources, and energy. However, there is no denying that the perks of volunteering are cherished by both the volunteer as well as the […]

Here2Help Community: Helping you get through Social Isolation

What a challenging year we all just witnessed! With all sectors directly impacted, our social life and mental health is a no different story. Anyone who has experienced Lockdown and quarantine recently can relate to how perturbing social isolation can be. When the news broke to me that I was to quarantine for 14 days, […]

Tone the Mind and the Body with Faith Shannon

Since Covid marked the abrupt closure of gyms and studios in 2020, there has been a surge in online fitness videos, platforms, and subscription services, aimed at getting and keeping us in shape at home. While these workouts and programs might get followers moving, many simply target the body, ignoring the importance and benefits of […]

Celebrating International Women’s day!

What better legacy to leave behind than an inclusive world. A world where a ‘woman’ can conquer the challenges, the taboos and bring an end to the vicious circle.  This year’s International women’s day theme, #ChooseToChallenge, revolves around raising awareness about equality, acknowledging other women’s triumphs, and embracing every challenge to pave the way for […]


How would a world free of any discrimination would look like? A place where every color, race, religion, gender is not only recognized, but is celebrated. A Utopia where the differences are not only tolerated but given equal opportunities to thrive. A realization that no one is a child of a lesser God.  March 1st […]