H2HCommunity Cleans Up!

On December 6th, 2020 #here2help.community had the first beach clean up which went pretty well despite the Covid restrictions. You can catch a glimpse about the event here:  H2H Beach Cleanup. We are now working to do a clean up on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month!

Come February the 19th, 2021 and #teamup4cleanup drive was all geared up for another community cleanup, but this time weather took a toll. With snow and Covid restrictions yet again, it was a hurdle to gather all friends and go out in larger groups. However,  it served a big break for many  households like ours to step out and contribute to a greater cause. Dressed up in layers after the previous day’s snow squall in Toronto, it was equally important to educate children that there is nothing belittling in picking up someone’s litter.

On reaching the neighborhood park, blanketed with snow,  the park’s fence covered with trash and dried leaves immediately  caught our attention and we were able to tidy  it. We as a family figured out that community clean up can actually be a fun activity, snow or no snow. It was followed by sledding in the same park and hot chocolate was served as a reward once home. In the bigger picture, the sense of satisfaction one gets from giving back to the community is unfathomable.

Many other volunteers stepped out for the cleanup drive and weather was no excuse! Pictures were received from volunteers and friends under the #teamup4cleanup from various parts of Canada and beyond. In Langley, we had a Girl Guide troop join in and clean up a park in their area. The girls were able to earn ‘Planet Protector’ badges for their hard work. They worked very hard and it’s amazing seeing groups join in from their own areas in our Collaborative Network!

Its heartening to learn #here2help.community has committed to bi monthly clean up on 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at parks, sidewalks, parking lots, beaches etc. A way how each one of us can volunteer in our community. Join our network and lets continue to expand our impact!

Stay tuned for more upcoming events fromm #here2help.community including expressive art workshop by Heather Prost, and a Breathwork introduction with Kyle Espenshade on Monday the 22nd! And join us in 2 weeks for another clean up.

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