Go deeper with SOMA Awakening Breathwork Journey!
Help set your intentions with this 2 hour extended breathwork journey! This experience helps release old habitual patterns that are holding you back from manifesting your highest potential!
When: Friday, July 9
Where: Online! Register through here.
Kyle is giving our community 33% off with ‘here2help11’ at checkout
What does it mean to “Awaken” ? People rarely go inside and question their own motives or what they truly want. Most of us just follow mechanical habits that have been instilled in us through our cultural conditioning since birth. Awakening means waking up from the cultural hypnosis. By changing our habits of thought, emotion, and action so that they are in more alignment with who we truly are.
Who it’s for:
For those who desire to solve specific issues. It’s also for those who find regular sitting mediation difficult, this is a great way to drop into meditative states. It’s also for anyone who simply wants to experience a peak human experience or gain deep self-awareness and new inspiration.
How it works:
These extended journeys take you deeper than the Monday intro classes. Kyle of Soma Alchemy takes you through more than two rounds of breathwork and a guided meditation on the of life you want to improve.
Bring a notepad/journal, water, and wear comfortable yoga-style clothing. All breathwork techniques should ideally be done on an empty stomach, or at least 1-2 hrs after eating a full meal.
Clear negative imprints and liberate from the past so you can be more present, in the flow, and empowered to create your own reality with this technique! You will also be guided to reach a peak human experience and enter into satori, nirvana, and samadhi-like states of oneness, connection, and high inspiration. There are an incredible amount of health benefits through regular practice as well.
About Kyle
Kyle studied breathwork with Wim Hof and later Anthony Abbagnano, the founder of Alchemy of Breath. This training allowed him to dive deeper into the process of healing with a six week Hero’s Journey workshop, following Joseph Campbell’s outline for psychological development and personal transformation. He eventually found SOMA Breath, and became one of the first SOMA instructors. This aligned perfectly as the holistic system he had been dreaming about creating.
Join us for free intro sessions on Monday’s! And he hosts regular group sessions on Sunday’s.

Here2Help is a community tech organization focused on innovative solutions to ensure the growth of resilient communities generations into the future. Are you a community-minded individual interested in sharing your skills to help empower your community? We would love to hear from you to collaborate! Contact us if you’re interested in working with us or hosting a workshop on the Here2Help platform.
We are a registered not-for-profit run entirely through volunteer support. Any contribution goes a long way in helping us reach our goal of healing communities from within.
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